Kamil Barański - strona oficjalna; fot. DJBAR Żurawia

Kamil Barański

Muzyk, producent muzyczny, aranżer, kompozytor

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BPM Counter Online

Description: A manual Beats per Minute (BPM) counter for DJs, Musicians, Singers. Counts the beats-per-minute of a song (and milisecond for delays etc) by tapping a key or the mouse to the beat of a song. Simply click anywhere on the page to start the time then tap any key to the beat. Cool!

Click on the page to start the bpm counter. Press a key or click your mouse to measure beats. Press Q for round the BPM (this will recount the miliseconds to exact tempo). Press R or ESC for Reset.


Contributor: Derek Chilcote-Bacco dac-b@usa.net & kamilbaranski. Netscape 4.x+ and MSIE 4.x+ compatible. Firefox compatible.

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